Art: Daniel Spoerri

Art: Daniel Spoerri

Food & Mood

Nutritional psychology is an emerging field of healthcare that examines how the food we eat affects our mood and behavior. Diet has a direct connection to brain chemistry and neurotransmitter function. Working from a psychoeducationaI approach helps clients understand the science behind how nutrients affect mood. I work in conjunction with integrative medical providers to better facilitate a holistic approach to mental health care for my clients and as an adjunct for clients working with other individual therapists. If you’re looking for a natural, non-pharmacological approach to symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, ADD or Autism Spectrum, this may be for you.

Symptoms of Nutrient Depletion Mirror Symptoms of Depression:
·      Fatigue
·      Anxiety
·      Poor Mood
·      Stress Intolerance
·      Irritability
·      Overeating
·      Carb & Sugar Cravings
·      Insomnia

Contact me for a consultation.